June S&D Highlights

Market Trend
Pre-Report | Release | Current | |
Corn | +2 | +3 | +2.5 |
Soybeans | +3/4 | +2 | -1 to -2 |
Wheat | -2.5; -6.5; -4.5 | -1.75; -6.25; -4 | -5; -9; -4 |
2019 Final | 2020 May USDA | 2020 June Trade | 2020 Trade Range | 2020 June USDA | |
Corn | 13,663 | 15,995 | 15,917 | 15,460 - 15,995 | 15,995 |
Soybeans | 3,557 | 4,125 | 4,138 | 4,118 - 4,273 | 4,125 |
Sorghum | 341 | 351 | NA | NA | 351 |
All Wheat | 1,920 | 1,866 | 1,855 | 1,824 - 1,940 | 1,877 |
All Winter | 1,344 | 1,255 | 1,239 | 1,211 - 1,290 | 1,266 |
HRW | 833 | 733 | 720 | 680 - 775 | 743 |
SRW | 239 | 298 | 297 | 284 - 305 | 297 |
WW | 272 | 224 | 224 | 215 - 228 | 225 |
Cotton | 19.90 | 19.50 | NA | NA | 19.50 |
U.S. Carry-Out
May 19/20 USDA | June 19/20 Trade | June 19/20 USDA | May 20/21 USDA | June 20/21 Trade | June 20/21 USDA | |
Soybeans | 580 | 578 | 585 | 405 | 229 | 395 |
Corn | 2,098 | 2,163 | 2,103 | 3,318 | 3,356 | 3,323 |
Wheat | 978 | 980 | 983 | 909 | 901 | 925 |
Sorghum | 35 | NA | 30 | 31 | NA | 26 |
Cotton | 7.10 | NA | 7.30 | 7.70 | NA | 8.00 |
South America Production
May 18/19 USDA | May 19/20 USDA | June 19/20 Trade | June 19/20 USDA | May 20/21 USDA | June 20/21 USDA | ||
Soybeans | |||||||
Argentina | 55.3 | 51.0 | 50.7 (50.0 - 51.5) | 50.0 | 53.5 | 53.5 | |
Brazil | 117.0 | 124.0 | 123.0 (120.9 - 125.0) | 124 | 131.0 | 331.0 | |
Brazil-CONAB | 115.0 | 120.0 | |||||
Paraguay | 8.9 | 9.9 | NA | 10.3 | |||
Corn | |||||||
Argentina | 51.0 | 50.0 | 49.8 (49.0 - 50.0) | 50.0 | 50.0 | 50.0 | |
Brazil | 101.0 | 101.0 | 99.5 (96.5 - 102.0) | 101.0 | 106.0 | 107.0 | |
Brazil-CONAB | 100.0 | 101.9 | 101.0 |
World Ending Stocks (MMT)
June 18/19 | May 19/20 | June 19/20 | May 20/21 | June 20/21 | June 20/21 | |
Corn | 320.9 | 314.7 | 312.9 | 339.6 | 339.8 | 337.9 |
Soybeans | 112.5 | 100.3 | 99.2 | 98.4 | 98.6 | 96.3 |
Wheat | 279.4 | 295.1 | 294.8 | 310.1 | 307.7 | 316.1 |
June Supply-Demand Summary
Corn: Changes to both old and new crop were minimal. 19-20 reserves were increased 5 to 2.103 billion; the trade average was 60 million higher. New crop ending stocks went up 5 from the May estimate to 3.323; the trade was expecting a 38 million increase. Old crop ethanol demand isn’t recovering quite as quickly as anticipated but the 50 mbu cut in that sector’s demand was mostly offset by a downward revision in last fall’s crop by 45 million. Call it a neutral report with the near-term weather picture somewhat supportive.
Soybeans: The trade was looking for a 2 mbu decrease in old crop carry-out to 578 bbu; the USDA went up 5 reflecting the net of a smaller export forecast and a slightly higher crush and a 5 mbu downward production revision. New crop ending stocks came in at 395; the trade average was 429. China imports were increased 2 MMT for 19-20 but unchanged for new crop. Versus the trade, slightly supportive old and new crop but the modestly negative Board action seems appropriate.
Wheat: U.S. winter wheat production was above the average trade estimate, while new-crop U.S. ending stocks were also above expectations. World ending stocks for 2020/21 were also projected at a record level. There continue to be mixed ideas, however, about U.S. winter wheat crop potential. Strong export competition is forecast to persist in 2020/2021, although there is also some uncertainty regarding crop size in the EU, Russia and Ukraine. Weaker, although the market will closely monitor U.S. winter wheat yields and competitor crop conditions.
New Crop:
- Nary a change, other than ending stocks which were increased 5 as the result of the old crop adjustment;
- The 20-21 stocks to use ratio is unchanged at 22.5%;
- The point estimate for producer prices continues at $3.20
Old Crop:
- Production was lowered 45 million bushels from last month to 13.617 billion;
- Harvested acres were trimmed by 100 K to 81.3 million and yield was reduced 4/10’s bpa to 167.4;
- Ethanol grind was lowered 50 mbu to 4.900 bbu as ethanol demand has not recovered quite as quickly as expected;
- Exports continue to be forecast at 1.775 bbu;
- Feed/residual use remains estimated at 5.7 bbu;
- With supply down 45 million and use 50 million lower, ending stocks edged up 5 to 2.103 bbu for a 15.3% stx to use ratio and;
- The average producer price estimate for 19-20 remains at $3.60 per bushel.
New Crop:
- No changes on the production and demand sides;
- 5 mbu lower stocks to 26 mbu as a result of adjustments to 19-20;
- Stocks to use now at 7.3%;
- Producer price point estimate remans at $3.20.
Old Crop:
- Exports increased 10 million to 210, presumably on continued optimism for Chinese buying;
- Feed/residual use was reduced 5 to 95 mbu;
- FSI/ethanol grind remains forecast at 70 mbu;
- Stocks 5 lower at 30 mbu;
- Stocks to use ratio declines from 9.5% in May to 8% this month and;
- Producer price point estimate remains at $3.25.
New Crop:
- No change in estimated crop size which continues at 4.125 billion;
- Acreage steady at 83.5 million planted/82.8 million harvest with a 49.8 bpa yield;
- Beginning stocks 5 million larger from above;
- Crush raised 15 to 2.145 bbu;
- Seed/residual use steady from last month at 135 mbu;
- Exports, unchanged at 2.050 billion;
- Carry-over down 10 from LM to 395;
- Stocks to use goes from 9.4% to 9.1%;
- Price forecast unchanged at $8.20;
- New crop SBM
- Production 300 K ST higher than LM’s estimate;
- Domestic demand seen 300 K higher at 37.8 million short tons;
- Exports steady at 13.1 MST;
- Price of 48% SBM steady at $295 per ST;
- Beginning stocks up 60;
- SBO production 175 higher at 24.86 billion;
- Domestic/biodiesel use steady vs LM at 23.0 and 8.0 billion;
- Exports raised 100 mil lbs to 2.2 billion;
- Average price continues at $.29 per pound.
Old Crop:
- Production 5 lower at 3.552 bbu;
- Crush 15 million higher to 2.140 bbu—greater domestic meal demand;
- Exports reduced 25 due to “greater competition from South America”, no mention of sluggish Chinese buying;
- Total use 10 lower;
- Ending stocks were 5 higher from last month at 585 mbu;
- Stx/use ratio rises from 14.9% LM to 16.3%;
- Producer price estimate unchanged at $8.50;
- As for the products,
- SBO production increased 110 million to 24.590 billion pounds;
- Domestic SBO use was reduced by 100 million pounds, due entirely to smaller expected biodiesel use, now at 7.4 billion;
- Exports increased 150 to 2.7 billion;
- Ending stocks increased from May by 60 million to 1.940 billion;
- Decatur SBO price continues to be estimated at $.2850 per pound
- SBM—SBM production increased 350 K ST to 50.323 MST;
- Domestic SBM use forecast boosted 400 K to 37.5 million;
- Export forecast holds at 13.45 MST and;
- Price of 48% protein Decatur SBM eases $5 to $295 per ST.
Winter Wheat Production—20/21
- Updated survey based estimate pegs new-crop winter wheat production at 1.266 bbu, which was 2% above the avg. trade guess but 3% lower than 2019;
- Harvested acreage pegged at 24.3 mil, which is unchanged from last month but fractionally below last year. Avg. yield is forecast at 52.1 bpa vs. the May est. of 51.7;
- HRW forecast at 0.743 bbu vs. avg. guess of 0.720; SRW pegged at 0.298, which is in line with the avg. guess; and White at 0.225 vs. avg. guess of 0.224;
- Implied Other Spring/Durum production pegged at 0.611 bbu vs. 0.616 for last year.
U.S. All Wheat Supply/Demand—20/21
- Updated forecast of new-crop puts all wheat production at 1.877 bbu, which is down 2% from 19/20, with total supply down 3% at 3.000 bbu;
- Usage—Food/seed up 3 mbu vs. 19/20; feed/residual down 35 mil to 100; exports down 15 to 950; total usage of 2.075 bbu is down 2% vs. 19/20;
- Net result is ending stocks for 20/21 of all wheat are pegged at 0.925 bbu, which was above the average trade guess of 0.901;
- Average farm price forecast at $4.60 with ending stocks-to-use ratio of 44.6% Note: Wheat-by-class projections for 2020/21 will first be published by the USDA in July.
U.S. All Wheat Supply/Demand—19/20
- Domestic use unchanged;
- Exports were lowered 5 million to 965 mbu;
- Carryout for 19/20 of all wheat was increased 5 mbu to 0.983 bbu, which was 3 million above the average trade guess of 0.980 and;
- Avg. farm price forecast at $4.60, which is unchanged versus May; stocks-to-use at 46.3% compared to 46.0% in May and 53.0% in 18/19.
- 20/21 beginning coarse grain stocks down 2.15 from LM to 343.7;
- 20/21 beginning corn stocks 1.8 MMT lower at 312.9 million;
- No adjustments to 19-20 competing exporter production; exports steady as well at 108.7 MMT;
- USDA lowers 19-20 foreign wheat feeding by 1.2 MMT to 138.5; 20-21 1 MMT lower at 133.75;
- 20-21 Brazil corn crop estimate raised 1 to 107 (101 TY); export steady at 38.0 (35.0 TY);
- Foreign corn import demand bumped up 350 K to 175.9 MMT, up 7.5 MMT versus 19-20;
- Competing 20-21 exports unchanged at 111.7, and up 3 MMT versus 19-20;
- China old crop feed use 1 MMT higher at 186; imports steady at 7 MMT and;
- China new crop feed consumption also up 1; imports unchanged at 7; ending stocks 2 MMT lower from LM to 198.1 for a 9 MMT drop.
- 19-20 S AM crop size unchanged from LM at 50 for Argentina and 124.0 for Brazil but, exports for each raised by 1 to 9.0 and 85.0;
- China 19-20 SB imports increased by 2 to 94.0 and crush increased by 1 MMT to 87.5;
- No changes to the 20-21 S AM production/export numbers: 53.5/131.0 and 6.5/83.0;
- China imports unchanged from LM in 20-21 at 96 MMT; crush increased by ½ MMT and;
- Global ending stocks expected to decline 2.9 MMT in 20-21 to 96.3 million.
- World production for 20/21 pegged at a record 773.4 MMT, which is up 4.9 MMT compared to May and 9.0 MMT above the 19/20 total;
- NOTE: With 2020/21 production estimates for some of the major world competitors up significantly from 2019/2020 (e.g. Australia), there appears to be ample export competition for U.S. origin if forecasted production levels are realized;
- Russia production forecast is unchanged from last month at 77.0 MMT, although the export forecast is up 1.0 MMT to 36.0 MMT (v. 33.5 in 2019/20);
- Ukraine production forecast is reduced 1.5 MMT to 26.5 MMT—down 9% from the 2019/20 level of 29.2. Exports are forecast at 17.5 MMT, which is down 1.5 MMT from May and down 3.0 MMT compared to 20.5 in 2019/20;
- Additional decline in European Union production is forecast—141.0 MMT v. 143.0 in May; exports are pegged at 28.5 vs. 28.0 last month (v. 36.5 in 19/20);
- Canada production estimate is unchanged at 34.0 (32.3 LY), and export forecast is steady at 24.5 MMT (23.0 LY);
- Australia crop est. is increased 2.0 MMT to 26.0 MMT (15.2 LY), with exports also projected 2.0 MMT higher at 17.0 vs. 9.2 for 19/20;
- Argentina crop forecast is steady at 21.0 (19.5 LY), and exports forecast at 14.5 vs. 13.5 for 19/20;
- World ending stocks for 20/21 estimated at a record 316.1 MMT vs. 295.8 for 19/20 and;
- Ending stock-to-use ratio for 20/21 pegged at 42.0% vs. 41.2% in May and 39.5% for 19/20.
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