Branch of service: US Army
Highest Rank: E-4
Location(s) of service: Ft Hood, Texas
What is your job title at Mountaire Farms? Learning Manager
How long have you been with Mountaire? 11 years
What motivated you to join the military? Service to the country, family tradition (father, brother, uncles)
Why did you choose the service branch you joined? Family members who served all served in the US Army
Did you earn any medals or honors during your service? If so, which ones and for what? ARMY Achievement Medal
What was the most valuable lesson you learned? Teamwork
What was the best and worst “military food” you were served? Breakfast and C-Rations
Tell us about a funny, poignant, or moving story you experienced during your service. Participated in REFORGER SEPT 1984- Return of Forces to Germany. Love German food.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself. In addition to serving Active Duty Military I spent six years in Fort Bragg North Carolina at the 313th Military Intelligence Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division teaching Spanish to soldiers.

Antonio Ortiz